Nov 21, 2010

Chapter Two
 - Sunday , 21st Nov. 2010

Had fun yesterday with Thish and her family . We went to the Shout Awards ! Hehe . Saw many talented artistes . The show starts at 8:45 p.m. live from Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil . Since it was called the ''Shout Awards" , I shouted like crazy till my throat's hurt . Yuna look damn pretty and stylish . Ughh . Some of the fans , well rempits maybe , shouted with her highest pitch , seriously . It's kinda annoying . Haha . I wonder why Bunface won the best Music Video . Dude , Marabahaya by Pop Shuvit is wayyy better ! Hmm , moreover , yeahh I had fun .

The show finished at 11:45 maybe . We went to a restaurant to eat . I ate a lot like always . Hihi . The view at the restaurant is very nice . I think that's why it is called the Village View . Heh wtv . Then , heading back home . Everyone looked so tired . Then Thish's future brother-in-law (kan?) dropped me of near my house . YEAY . Home finally .

It was very dark . I hate darkness . I was so happy that i can finally rest . But then , jeng jeng jeng , the door was locked . I don't have the key , thought of calling my dad but i don't have credits . I tried smashing the door , yelling out for my dad . Waited for a while , still no one opened the door for me . Then the thing I hate the most entered my thoughts . I thought , since it was so dark , that maybe a ghost would appear . I JUST WATCHED JU-ON YOU KNOW ! Ofcourse I'm scared . Then I realize that there is a back door . Hehe , stupid me . I ran madly to the back door , but the gate is locked too . Felt like crying . Then I opened one of the window , and shouted . Then thank god , dad heard me . Wooh~ Then I cried for real . HEHEH . It felt like I was saved from death . Now I can rest . 


Najihaaah ♥ said...

Menangis mcm BUDAK KECIK pulak tu, pastu tiba2 cari pasal -,-

Fathishah Fathir said...

Kitorang igtkn kau dh masuk rumah time tu, kitorg pun gerak ah. Tu lah lain kali suruh je kitorg hantar dpn rumah kau, ni kt tepi tu -,-

Asyreena said...

hihih sbb aku tk susah kn korng. hahah